• Cannot find SDL Trados SDK download link.

    Hi all, I can't find the SDL Trados SDK download link. "https://developers.rws.com/studio-api-docs/articles/gettingstarted/setting_up_a_developer_machine.html" links me to the developer hub but the link doesn't work. I need the SDK for Visual Studio…
  • Target all versions of Trados Studio with a single plugin project in Visual Studio

    In my OpenExchange plugin, I am targeting versions 2011 through 2015 of Trados Studio, but using the same code for all three. To avoid having to have three separate Visual Studio projects or to have to manually point to the correct references and target…
  • Workaround to update pluginpackage.manifest.xml in .sdlplugin file for the maxversion attribute

    In case anyone is interested, I've come up with a workaround to get the maxversion attribute to be automatically packaged in the manifest file inside the .sdlplugin file built in plugin projects in Visual Studio. As of right now, it doesn't seem that…
  • SDL Trados Studio Plugin Development

    Hello All, We have an requirement to develop an SDL Trados Studio 2014 plugins for one of our client. Can anyone contact us @ v.shailesh.shinde@gmail.com or skypeId "v.shailshin" to get more details on this. Thanks & Best Regards, Shailesh Shin…